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Sacred Power Site Tours

Email: SimonPeter@wwv.me.uk


Heart-centered, Spiritual Geomancy

The Powersite pilgrimage programme offered by Wholistic World Vision is based on the understanding that whenever a like-minded group of people come together synchronistically in service with open hearts, then Nature responds and magic happens!  Awake and aware humans are "the Beings that walk between the worlds" and the Divine Will flows through them manifesting whatever geomantic adjustments are required at subtle levels on the powersites and in the energy grids. We don't need to understand intellectually, impose techniques or prove anything - just to be fully present, surrendered, and in gratitude for the opportunity to serve. 

In order to achieve the highest frequency we can contribute to this work, those travelling together are called to give of their best by being as conscious, heart-centered and respectful to each other and Nature as possible. Some twenty years of practical experience working globally in this relaxed and gentle way speaks for itself with a rich harvest of phenomenal experiences, as well as personal upliftment and healing for those willing to enter deeply into the spiritual ethos of what is offered.

UPDATE: Wholistic World Vision's new home base is established in Asia rather than the UK from 2012 onwards, so our powersite tours can only be offered for complete groups with minimum numbers sufficient to cover our long distance airfares. Please see sample itineraries on this site and quotations can be given for any special requests worldwide. Our Rainbow Tours operation in Sri Lanka runs year round on the island regardless of numbers - www.rainbowtourssrilanka.com

In a stressed and outwardly chaotic world, let mother Nature restore you to health and balance and delight in your reconnection with her.


Food for thought! - PILGRIMS or TOURISTS

We are told we should be pilgrims in life, but instead we have become tourists.
Pilgrims are on a special journey. Every part of it has meaning -
the setbacks the frustrations, as well as the joys.
Tourists are out to enjoy life, to seek pleasure, fun or just rest.
Pilgrims carry little with them, just enough for their needs.
Tourists are burdened with possessions and are always anxious about losing them.
Pilgrims stay as long as they need to be in a place.
Tourists have schedules to keep and are always rushing on.
Pilgrims are humble, open to people and experiences.
Tourists are arrogant, they know what they want, and they'll see it, do it, find it.
Pilgrims share what they have. Tourists never have quite enough.
Pilgrims are changed by their journey. Tourists are always a little bit disappointed -
it is never quite as good as they had hoped.
Lord, help us to be pilgrims in life - not just tourists.

– Isabelle Kingston –


Spiritual tours in UK:
England's "Peak District"


Spiritual tours in France
Cathar sacred powersite tour

Spiritual powersite tours in sacred Scotland
United Kingdom


Spiritual powersite tours in Sri Lanka

Sri Pada angel
Sri Pada and Agni Hotra sunrise fire

Spiritual powersite tours in India
Mt. Arunachala - Throne of Brahma

Mt Arunachala

Spiritual tours in India
Vedic Fires of India tour

agnihotra ceremony

Spiritual tours of Cambodia

Sunrise at Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat at sunrise, courtesy sacredsites.com

Spiritual powersite tours in Australia

Infinity Map

Portals of Greece

Sunrise at Angkor Wat
   The Tholos Temple, Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi. Photograph courtesy  sacredsites.com

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